Garden House Succulent Image Color Codes
![Garden House Succulent Colors Logo](/image-palette/2429646-garden-house-succulent.jpg)
Garden House Succulent associates with Succulent, Cactus, Garden, House features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Magenta Mood. Sepia Skin, Sandal, Santa Fe are colors resembling Magenta. The #905A45 #B9856F #496F51 #AF6E58 #7CB590 Hex Colors are all related to Garden House Succulent.
Garden House Succulent HEX Colors:
Color Name: Sepia Skin
HEX Code: #905A45
RGB: rgb(144, 90, 69)
HSL: hsl(17, 35%, 42%)
CMYK: 0%, 37%, 52%, 44%
Color Name: Sandal
HEX Code: #B9856F
RGB: rgb(185, 133, 111)
HSL: hsl(18, 35%, 58%)
CMYK: 0%, 28%, 40%, 27%
Color Name: Axolotl
HEX Code: #496F51
RGB: rgb(73, 111, 81)
HSL: hsl(133, 21%, 36%)
CMYK: 34%, 0%, 27%, 56%
Color Name: Santa Fe
HEX Code: #AF6E58
RGB: rgb(175, 110, 88)
HSL: hsl(15, 35%, 52%)
CMYK: 0%, 37%, 50%, 31%
Color Name: Bay Leaf
HEX Code: #7CB590
RGB: rgb(124, 181, 144)
HSL: hsl(141, 28%, 60%)
CMYK: 31%, 0%, 20%, 29%
What are the different colors codes in Garden House Succulent Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Garden House Succulent are #905A45 #B9856F #496F51 #AF6E58 #7CB590 .
Which category does Garden House Succulent image belong to?
Garden House Succulent belongs to Magenta Category.
This information was last updated on 12-01-2023.