Hand Tea Image Color Codes


Hand Tea Colors Logo

Hand Tea associates with Tea, Hand features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Valentine Mood. Go Ben, Zorba, Brown Derby are colors resembling Valentine. The #7F6245 #A59880 #979CA3 #4B2617 #958361  Hex Colors are all related to Hand Tea.

Hand Tea HEX Colors:

Color Name: Go Ben

HEX Code: #7F6245

RGB: rgb(127, 98, 69)

HSL: hsl(30, 30%, 38%)

CMYK: 0%, 23%, 46%, 50%

Color Name: Zorba

HEX Code: #A59880

RGB: rgb(165, 152, 128)

HSL: hsl(39, 17%, 57%)

CMYK: 0%, 8%, 22%, 35%

Color Name: Manatee

HEX Code: #979CA3

RGB: rgb(151, 156, 163)

HSL: hsl(215, 6%, 62%)

CMYK: 7%, 4%, 0%, 36%

Color Name: Brown Derby

HEX Code: #4B2617

RGB: rgb(75, 38, 23)

HSL: hsl(17, 53%, 19%)

CMYK: 0%, 49%, 69%, 71%

Color Name: Clay Creek

HEX Code: #958361

RGB: rgb(149, 131, 97)

HSL: hsl(39, 21%, 48%)

CMYK: 0%, 12%, 35%, 42%


What are the different colors codes in Hand Tea Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Hand Tea are #7F6245 #A59880 #979CA3 #4B2617 #958361 .

Which category does Hand Tea image belong to?

Hand Tea belongs to Valentine Category.

This information was last updated on 10-01-2023.