Alternative Blue Background Image Color Codes
Alternative Blue Background associates with Blue, Cell, Alternative, Background features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Earth Mood. Chambray, Danube, Hawkes Blue are colors resembling Earth. The #3D5C87 #7C9DC3 #192F50 #CFE5F8 #243D64 Hex Colors are all related to Alternative Blue Background.
Alternative Blue Background HEX Colors:
Color Name: Chambray
HEX Code: #3D5C87
RGB: rgb(61, 92, 135)
HSL: hsl(215, 38%, 38%)
CMYK: 55%, 32%, 0%, 47%
Color Name: Danube
HEX Code: #7C9DC3
RGB: rgb(124, 157, 195)
HSL: hsl(212, 37%, 63%)
CMYK: 36%, 19%, 0%, 24%
Color Name: Nile Blue
HEX Code: #192F50
RGB: rgb(25, 47, 80)
HSL: hsl(216, 52%, 21%)
CMYK: 69%, 41%, 0%, 69%
Color Name: Hawkes Blue
HEX Code: #CFE5F8
RGB: rgb(207, 229, 248)
HSL: hsl(208, 75%, 89%)
CMYK: 17%, 8%, 0%, 3%
Color Name: Rhino
HEX Code: #243D64
RGB: rgb(36, 61, 100)
HSL: hsl(217, 47%, 27%)
CMYK: 64%, 39%, 0%, 61%
What are the different colors codes in Alternative Blue Background Image palette?
The Hex Color Codes in Alternative Blue Background are #3D5C87 #7C9DC3 #192F50 #CFE5F8 #243D64 .
Which category does Alternative Blue Background image belong to?
Alternative Blue Background belongs to Earth Category.
This information was last updated on 07-11-2022.