Jellyfish Ocean Fish Image Color Codes


Jellyfish Ocean Fish Colors Logo

Jellyfish Ocean Fish associates with Underwater, Fish, Ocean, Jellyfish features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Lavender Mood. Science Blue, Blue, Green Haze are colors resembling Lavender. The #0169C0 #012BE7 #01C44C #019441 #016F34  Hex Colors are all related to Jellyfish Ocean Fish.

Jellyfish Ocean Fish HEX Colors:

Color Name: Science Blue

HEX Code: #0169C0

RGB: rgb(1, 105, 192)

HSL: hsl(207, 99%, 38%)

CMYK: 99%, 45%, 0%, 25%

Color Name: Blue

HEX Code: #012BE7

RGB: rgb(1, 43, 231)

HSL: hsl(229, 99%, 45%)

CMYK: 100%, 81%, 0%, 9%

Color Name: Malachite

HEX Code: #01C44C

RGB: rgb(1, 196, 76)

HSL: hsl(143, 99%, 39%)

CMYK: 99%, 0%, 61%, 23%

Color Name: Green Haze

HEX Code: #019441

RGB: rgb(1, 148, 65)

HSL: hsl(146, 99%, 29%)

CMYK: 99%, 0%, 56%, 42%

Color Name: Fun Green

HEX Code: #016F34

RGB: rgb(1, 111, 52)

HSL: hsl(148, 98%, 22%)

CMYK: 99%, 0%, 53%, 56%


What are the different colors codes in Jellyfish Ocean Fish Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Jellyfish Ocean Fish are #0169C0 #012BE7 #01C44C #019441 #016F34 .

Which category does Jellyfish Ocean Fish image belong to?

Jellyfish Ocean Fish belongs to Lavender Category.

This information was last updated on 04-01-2023.