Vegetation Oasis Desert Image Color Codes


Vegetation Oasis Desert Colors Logo

Vegetation Oasis Desert associates with Source, Oasis, Desert, Vegetation features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Bright Mood. Danube, Zeus, Pine Cone are colors resembling Bright. The #78A9D6 #2B221C #ACA18C #695E4C #B4C9E6  Hex Colors are all related to Vegetation Oasis Desert.

Vegetation Oasis Desert HEX Colors:

Color Name: Danube

HEX Code: #78A9D6

RGB: rgb(120, 169, 214)

HSL: hsl(209, 53%, 65%)

CMYK: 44%, 21%, 0%, 16%

Color Name: Zeus

HEX Code: #2B221C

RGB: rgb(43, 34, 28)

HSL: hsl(24, 21%, 14%)

CMYK: 0%, 21%, 35%, 83%

Color Name: Tallow

HEX Code: #ACA18C

RGB: rgb(172, 161, 140)

HSL: hsl(39, 16%, 61%)

CMYK: 0%, 6%, 19%, 33%

Color Name: Pine Cone

HEX Code: #695E4C

RGB: rgb(105, 94, 76)

HSL: hsl(37, 16%, 35%)

CMYK: 0%, 10%, 28%, 59%

Color Name: Spindle

HEX Code: #B4C9E6

RGB: rgb(180, 201, 230)

HSL: hsl(215, 50%, 80%)

CMYK: 22%, 13%, 0%, 10%


What are the different colors codes in Vegetation Oasis Desert Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Vegetation Oasis Desert are #78A9D6 #2B221C #ACA18C #695E4C #B4C9E6 .

Which category does Vegetation Oasis Desert image belong to?

Vegetation Oasis Desert belongs to Bright Category.

This information was last updated on 15-11-2022.