Rose Petal Red Image Color Codes


Rose Petal Red Colors Logo

Rose Petal Red associates with Rose, Petals, Flower, Red, Petal features. Therefore, such a combination of colors is bound to cause a Burgundy Mood. Cardinal, Night Shadz, Brick Red are colors resembling Burgundy. The #C3032B #AA2F4C #630416 #D83F5E #F6657B  Hex Colors are all related to Rose Petal Red.

Rose Petal Red HEX Colors:

Color Name: Cardinal

HEX Code: #C3032B

RGB: rgb(195, 3, 43)

HSL: hsl(348, 97%, 39%)

CMYK: 0%, 98%, 78%, 24%

Color Name: Night Shadz

HEX Code: #AA2F4C

RGB: rgb(170, 47, 76)

HSL: hsl(346, 57%, 43%)

CMYK: 0%, 72%, 55%, 33%

Color Name: Rosewood

HEX Code: #630416

RGB: rgb(99, 4, 22)

HSL: hsl(349, 92%, 20%)

CMYK: 0%, 96%, 78%, 61%

Color Name: Brick Red

HEX Code: #D83F5E

RGB: rgb(216, 63, 94)

HSL: hsl(348, 66%, 55%)

CMYK: 0%, 71%, 56%, 15%

Color Name: Brink Pink

HEX Code: #F6657B

RGB: rgb(246, 101, 123)

HSL: hsl(351, 89%, 68%)

CMYK: 0%, 59%, 50%, 4%


What are the different colors codes in Rose Petal Red Image palette?

The Hex Color Codes in Rose Petal Red are #C3032B #AA2F4C #630416 #D83F5E #F6657B .

Which category does Rose Petal Red image belong to?

Rose Petal Red belongs to Burgundy Category.

This information was last updated on 14-11-2022.